On Halloween night, George and Linda Bush are getting ready for a costume party. She’s putting on the final touches of her witch costume when George jumps out of the bathroom. Naked, except for a potato tastefully wedged on his crotch. Linda demands an answer. Confused, George Bush explains, “Dontcha get it? I’m a Dick Tater!”

Following all things authoritarian, in response to the classy veep candidate Sarah Palin calling Hugo Chavez a dictator, the controversial leader responded in turn. “The poor thing, you just feel sorry for her,” Chavez announced in a televised broadcast on Venezuelan national TV.

“She’s a beauty queen that they’ve pulled out to be a figurehead. We need to say as Christ did: Forgive her, she knows not what she’s saying.”

Chavez vs. Bush

As a side note, Miss Venezuela did win the 2008 Miss Universe beauty pageant. Chavez knows what he’s talking about.

news.Yahoo.com – Chavez sees Palin as confused “beauty queen”