Our guest of honor today is humble little Janine Butler of Redmond, Oregon. She’s afriad of the cable guy. Welcome to the fold, I’m scared of tiny spiders and late fees on my credit card, both irrational fears like your own.

Janine and Dave looking tough for the camera.
Janine and Dave looking tough for the camera.

Local news network KTVZ.com reports that the Butler’s landline was cut during an undisclosed dispute between phone technicians. The cable was not violently torn and left hanging, sparks falling upon unsuspecting cars and children walking puppies down the neighborhood, but disconnected several streets away. Unfortunate for the Butlers, since they don’t seem to be involved in this dispute in any way, but Mrs. Butler seems to love the spotlight a little too much.

And I quote… “This person could come into my home during the day, during the evening time. They could steal, rob, rape. We live in a scary time.”

Huh? Someone doesn’t get enough attention at home… 45% overly dramatic.

–Redmond couple told Qwest tech cut phone line